Coworkify supports wide range of plans from drop-ins to monthly memberships. To set up plans, go to Settings > Plans and you will see the page like below.
These are the default plans configured by Coworkify. You can use them as starting points or create new plan from scratch. Let's create new plan by clicking "Add Plan" button at the bottom. Enter name for new plan in the popup window and click 'Add' button. You will be navigated to Add Plan page.
All these fields are optional except for the name of plan. Use Notes field to inform new Member about WiFi password or door passcode to enter the space. Notes are sent to new Member only after they sign up to your space.
It's always the best idea to have Terms and Conditions as part of your plan. This is something that new Member needs to agree with when they sign up.
Now let's add some options. Options are a-la-carte services that new Member can choose to purchase. Typical options might be personal locker, parking space and dedicated landline telephone. To add option, click "Add Option" button at the bottom.
Enter name of option and price, and click "Add" button. Repeat the same process if you have more than one option to add. When you are done with adding options, click "Add Plan" at the bottom of page. You successfully created and configured new plan.
Next step: Setting up invoice