Setting up payment methods

The last step is to set up payment methods for your space. Payment method defines how your Members can make payment to their invoices.

Coworkify supports both online and offline payment methods. When you use online payment method such as Stripe and PayPal, Coworkify automatically confirms receipt of each payment made by your Member and marks it as paid. When use offline payment method such as bank transfer, cash and check, you will need to manually confirm each payment yourself.

To set up payment methods, go to Settings > Payment Methods page.

To add payment method, click "Add {PAYMENET METHOD NAME}" button and follow the instruction on the screen. Below is an example of the invoice that your Member receives after Stripe is enabled and illustrates how he makes payment using his credit card.

Your Member makes payment by clicking on "Make Payment" link on the right. Then he enters his credit card number, expiration date and security code. His credit card will be charged immediately after making payment and the payment goes straight to your bank account.

Congratulations! Your space is fully configured now. You may now start inviting new Members to your space.

Next step: Adding members

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